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Navigating the New Cybersecurity Environment

Navigating the New Cybersecurity Environment

Read Time: 2 Minutes

GLG recently partnered with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to survey 600 of GLG’s chief information security officers (CISOs) on the state of cybersecurity including spending habits, practices and outcomes, technology stack, product categories, risks, and pain points.

GLG collaborated on design to ensure a balanced representation across geographies and industries, programmed the survey to optimize the respondent experience, and managed data collection for premium quality standards.

The findings show that most CISOs are critically concerned about existing cyber threats while also expressing concerns about new cyber-threats, including those coming from artificial intelligence technologies.

According to the report, 72% of the firms with “advanced cyber practices” believe that AI-Based attacks are top-of-mind for their organization, while 53% of “average” firms said the same thing.

According to the BCG/GLG CISO Survey, 72% of Firms with Advanced Cyber Practices believe AI-based attacks are top of mind while only 53% of firms with average cyber practices believe the same.

Cyber Landscape: CISO Survey
was conducted in March of 2023; read the complete findings now.

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