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Benchmarking Technology Process Automation

Benchmarking New Technology for a Variety of Industries and Use Cases


A professional services firm client wanted to understand the role technology process automation played in a variety of industries. Specifically, the client wanted to identify industries and use cases relevant for benchmarking the technology process automation space.

The GLG Approach

The GLG Surveys team brainstormed different use cases to target a variety of industries, including retail, marketing services, creative design, and professional services that rely on “bots” for basic Excel tasks.

This led to a survey of a large panel of technology process automation experts spanning several industries.


GLG delivered a panel of 486 professionals for the initial survey. After reviewing, the client supplemented the research with a follow-up survey of 203 professionals dedicated to pricing.

Overall, GLG collected 689 responses to benchmark the technology process automation space.

Why GLG?

The client partnered with GLG to conduct two surveys to benchmark the technology automation process space and understand automation pricing; the client collected 689 responses that covered all benchmarks of the market.

Reporting & Analytics

As the scope of the survey grew, GLG provided custom spreadsheets so the end client had a truly flexible and three-dimensional view of the data.

Project Breadth

Two surveys, targeting and retargeting to a total panel of 689 responses, and custom spreadsheets of open-ended answers – all within eight days.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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