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European Pet Chemical Analyzer Research

GLG Research helps client gain insights into the current state of the pet chemical analyzer industry and assess market prospects

Client Challenge

A private equity firm client sought in-depth insights into the usage and demands of pet chemical analyzers in Europe to help it make more confident investment decisions.

GLG Solution

To efficiently deliver comprehensive insights in this field to the client, the GLG Research team (GLG Surveys) provided a research plan within 24 hours. The research covered eight European countries and regions. GLG’s research team matched with 35 veterinary experts (those who had used chemical analysis instruments or had experience submitting samples to reference laboratories) to gain a deep understanding of their usage and demands regarding pet chemical analyzers. The full-service program included questionnaire design, project planning, language translation, data collection, and comprehensive analysis.


Within a week and a half, the GLG Research team delivered a data report on market demands for pet chemical analyzers. The study provided insights into the demand growth of chemical tests in the past five years, the usage of analyzers and reference laboratories, the willingness to purchase/use chemical analyzers, and the demand for chemical tests over the next five years.

Why GLG?

Industry Focus

GLG’s global expert network helps clients conduct research projects worldwide and provides access to local industry experts.

Global Coverage

GLG employs a research approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods, uncovering diverse information for comprehensive industry analysis.

Rapid Implementation

Take swift action through precise service processes. GLG’s research team is available 24/7, six days a week, allowing for quick customization and implementation of solutions.

Let us start helping you today.

As the World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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