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Finding a Radiopharmaceutical Expert Witness

A Law Firm Needed an Expert with Specific Knowledge, Quickly


A law firm sought an expert witness with experience in the development process of radiopharmaceutical drugs. The firm wanted an expert with a specific background, and it needed to retain them within four days to meet its expert report deadline.

The GLG Approach

The GLG Law team confirmed topics on which the expert witness would opine, including drug development, the radioactive compounds in imaging, sterile injectables and the tools that deliver injections, and the typical workflow to develop radiopharmaceutical drugs and types of common delays.

Using our network of approximately 1 million subject-matter experts, GLG sent candidates to the client within two days and set up complimentary screening calls over Zoom one day later.


The four candidates who were sent to the client had an average of 30 years of experience in radiopharmaceuticals. The client retained two qualified experts within four days. GLG worked with the client team to negotiate a suitable rate for the experts’ services.

Why GLG?

A law firm sought an expert witness with experience in radiopharmaceutical drug development. GLG sourced four qualified experts, and the client retained two within its four-day deadline.

Project Breadth:

Two expert witnesses retained, four complimentary screening calls.

Quality Expertise, Quickly:

GLG sourced four qualified candidates with an average of 30 years of experience from our network of approximately 1 million subject-matter experts. These candidates were identified and sent to the client within two days.

Complimentary Screening:

The client used complimentary screening calls with all four candidates to find the right expert witness to support its case.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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