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Finding an Expert for a Strategic Workshop for a Consulting Client

Bringing External Perspectives to Macroeconomic Challenges in Brazil


A project team from a professional service firm was facilitating a strategic workshop for their power company client. The team came to GLG to find a subject-matter expert to join their panel session and discuss the macroeconomics of Brazil specifically, considering the upcoming elections.

The GLG Approach

GLG sourced, screened, and confirmed a well-known former chief economist for Brazil at a global financial institution to participate in the 1.5-hour virtual session.

The expert kicked off the broader programming of the workshop with a panel session where they discussed current challenges within the Brazilian economy, the potential impact of different election scenarios, and the broader global economy.


The expert’s extensive background in Brazilian economics made them an ideal fit to kick off the client workshop. They shared valuable context to frame the rest of the workshop discussions and informed how the team refined their strategic approach.

Why GLG?

A client was facilitating a workshop for their energy client and needed an expert to join their panel and speak to macroeconomic scenarios in Brazil. GLG sourced a former chief economist for Brazil at a global financial institution to participate in the virtual session.

Project Breadth:

GLG supplied a renowned Brazilian economist to discuss challenges within the Brazilian economy, political impacts, and global economic trends in a 1.5-hour virtual panel session in the consulting client’s workshop.

Precise Matches:

GLG’s extensive network gave the client access to the necessary expertise by both subject matter and geography, ensuring relevant and precise insights.

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