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Getting Smart on the Bioplastics Industry

Leveraging a Senior Advisor to Assist in a Client Project


A project team at a consulting firm took on a new project for their investor client and wanted to better understand both commercial and operation topics related to bioplastics. After speaking with one of GLG’s Network Members in a Consultation call, the team expressed interest in working with them further.

The GLG Approach

GLG connected with the Network Member, a former chief business officer at a large biotechnology company, to discuss a longer engagement with the client. GLG negotiated an hourly rate based on the scope of the engagement and handled the contract for the work.

The client worked with the expert as a senior advisor. The expert was a resource for ongoing insights throughout the duration of the project.


The senior advisor worked with the project team for over 15 hours across a two-month project. The expert provided the technical knowledge the team needed to help their investor client.

Why GLG?

After a Consultation call, a project team partnered with a former biotech executive to get a deeper understanding of the bioplastics industry. The team used the expert’s knowledge to deliver recommendations to their investor client.

Project Breadth:

One Consultation.
One senior advisor, 15 hours of work over two months.

Advisor Engagements:

The client team partnered with a Network Member who served as senior advisor to support the team in an in-depth capacity throughout their project.

Extension of the Team:

The senior advisor functioned as an extension of the client’s team to provide feedback on their work, join meetings, review documents, and serve as a point of validation based on their expertise.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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