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Getting Unbiased Insight from Senior Decision Makers

Maintaining Anonymity by Using a Moderator to Conduct Calls


A consulting team wanted to understand how their firm and offerings are perceived by their target audience so they could better position and market their offerings. They needed to hear from a group of senior decision makers to understand their needs, preferences, and what would set their firm apart from the competition.

The GLG Approach

It was important for the team to remain anonymous and conduct double-blind interviews to keep the expert calls candid and derive unbiased insight.

GLG sourced a project lead with extensive experience in conducting primary research to help the client. The project lead designed the discussion guide with feedback from the client team, executed 15 expert calls, and synthesized the findings into a final presentation.


The findings from the expert calls gave the client unbiased feedback from decision makers. In addition to hearing the experts’ preferences, the client gained a perspective on how they could add value to their existing offerings and where they could expand to meet new needs.

Why GLG?

A client wanted to understand how their brand was perceived by decision makers and identify areas of differentiation. GLG sourced a project lead to ensure unbiased insight by conducting their expert calls, designing the interview guide, and synthesizing the findings.

Project Breadth:

GLG supplied an expert with extensive experience conducting primary research to write an interview guide, conduct 15 moderated calls, and synthesize the findings in a formal report. GLG also supplied the transcripts and recordings from those calls.

Extension of Your Team:

The GLG expert acted as an extension of the client’s team, working with them to design the interview guide to get the insight the client needed and conducting the calls on their behalf to maintain client anonymity.

Let us start helping you today.

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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