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Growth Opportunity Assessment for a Leading Korean Chemical Company

Exploring a new business opportunity in the industrial personal protective equipment (PPE) market.


A Korean client had a well-established business in the medical gloves segment. However, as COVID-19-fueled demand subsided, the client wanted to shift their attention to industrial-grade personal protective equipment (PPE). They wanted to understand the main regulations, raw material types, different applications, and major global producers of industrial gloves.

The GLG Solution

GLG tapped its network to identify two senior experts from leading global PPE manufacturers with decades of the experience in the industrial gloves space to lead the research work. Over the course of two months, team reviewed an extensive level of secondary data sources and conducted primary in-depth interviews with 14 other GLG Network Members across the supply chain (raw material suppliers, glove manufacturers, distributors, etc.) to corroborate the data points the secondary research produced.


The GLG team delivered a 100-page detailed analysis of the industrial gloves landscape, along with a comprehensive spreadsheet of market sizing data and 10-year forecasts.

Why GLG?

With the combined impact of the subject-matter expertise of the project team and a rigorous research methodology, GLG delivered actionable insights that led to the client confidently making a multimillion-dollar investment.

Targeted Insights from Subject-Matter Experts

The Korean client learned from the project team’s technical insights and first-hand experience in the market, which is often lacking from traditional management consultancies.

Quantitative Market Sizing Forecasts

The GLG project team produced granular data points, depicting the market in a matrix format and breaking it into six segments and 13 application areas worldwide.

Offering Strategic Recommendation

Using first-party data from expert interviews, GLG helped identify white space for the Korean client to inspire a long-term investment in the industrial gloves market.

Let us start helping you today

As the World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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