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Leveraging Technology to Reduce U.S. Incarceration

Dramatically Reducing Audit Costs for GLG Social Impact Fellow Recidiviz


Recidiviz uses data-informed tools to reduce incarceration in the U.S. by helping criminal justice leaders and agencies develop real-time pictures of their systems, diagnose issues, and drive meaningful change. A customer asked Recidiviz to demonstrate its compliance with the information security standard National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53, an auditing process Recidiviz had never done before and anticipated would cost over $70,000 to complete.

The GLG Approach

GLG connected the Recidiviz team with several security experts who specialize in Compliance Frameworks. From the conversations, they learned that many of the thousands of requirements within the NIST 800-53 do not apply to Recidiviz, and so no action was required. GLG experts helped inform Recidiviz on which requirements were most important for its organization so it could focus its efforts (and budget) there.


Thanks to GLG conversations, Recidiviz was able to proceeded with an NIST 800-53 audit of only the relevant requirements for just $3,000, saving the organization an estimated $67,000.

Why GLG?

GLG Network Members helped social impact client Recidiviz better scope an information security audit, resulting in approximately $67,000 in savings.

Navigate Uncertainty

Recidiviz connected with GLG experts to understand a complicated security standard.

Clear Guidance

Experts helped Recidiviz understand exactly which requirements to focus on for its audit.

Game-Changing Insight

GLG experts saved Recidiviz a significant sum of money that can instead be put toward its mission to reduce incarceration.

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