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Media Industry Research in Southeast Asia: IT

Focus on regional markets to gain local insights for future planning


A leading cloud manufacturer in China wanted to understand the media industry market in Southeast Asia (SEA), including its current needs and pain points with existing cloud solutions. The manufacturer wanted to lay a research foundation for future business planning in the SEA media industry.

The GLG Solution

GLG identified seven SEA media industry experts from IT and related business units and IT consulting service providers. GLG’s team of consultants with years of professional experience conducted in-depth interviews to uncover fresh, first-hand insights.


Combining the first-hand insights with desk research, GLG delivered a comprehensive report within four weeks. It synthesized the SEA media industry pattern, summarizing segmentation and characteristics and sorting out customers’ cloud usage, their pain points with existing cloud solutions, and related opportunities.

Why GLG?

GLG’s research team integrates resources and expert networks from different countries and regions to provide customized research services for customers’ overseas business planning.

Global coverage

GLG’s global network of experts gives clients access to local expertise, enabling them to complete research projects around the world.

Professional services

Led by a team of professional consultants with nearly 10 years’ experience, the company focuses on market research and strategy in the technology and internet industries.


GLG identified relevant industry experts who could provide insight into the pattern and demand of the SEA media cloud industry.

Let us start helping you today

As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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