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Reformulating Growth Strategy for a Global IT Company

Find opportunities and route to market for a niche IT asset


A major global private equity firm turned to GLG after struggling to find a partner that could satisfy its research needs. It wanted to find growth opportunities for a niche IT security asset and to identify the company’s competitive advantage in priority client segments (including intelligent transportation systems), geographies, and products and services.

The GLG Solution

GLG appointed four subject matter experts to assess the asset, including one from the intelligent transportation systems space . The team also conducted 15 interviews with GLG experts who were former competitors, potential customers, and technologists, and launched a B2B survey to 100 potential customers to test out the company’s new product ideas.


The final report outlined paths for growth and opportunities. It also suggested a route to market, size of the prize, and partnership options. The client had different assumptions about the results, but the unexpected findings helped it reformulate its strategy for this portfolio company.

Why GLG?

GLG conducted a comprehensive assessment of an IT security asset outlining its strengths and growth opportunities. The report helped the client reset strategies for the asset with insights into partnerships, restructuring, and exit options.

Trusted Partnership

Because of the expertise of the appointed Network Members, the GLG team earned the client’s trust even though the research outcome was different from its prior assumptions.

The Expert Network

GLG appointed an expert with an extensive network in the space who was able to suggest the list of companies to engage.

Timely Delivery

Despite the breadth and depth of the research required, the GLG team completed the project in 12 weeks, delivering a final report of impact for the client.

Let us start helping you today

As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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