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Saving the Lives of Premature Newborns with Innovative Medical Tech

Helping Social Impact Fellow Equalize Health Launch a Neonatal Respiratory Device


Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), which affects 1.2M premature babies each year, is the leading cause of infant mortality globally. Medical tech nonprofit Equalize Health developed a neonatal respiratory device (nCPAP) that addresses major barriers to treating RDS in low-income regions, and sought input on navigating regulatory and market landscapes for its launch.

The GLG Approach

Over the course of several months, GLG helped Equalize Health develop their regulatory and scaling strategies for the device by:

  • Coordinating eight calls with a GLG Network Member who is an expert in medical equipment regulations
  • Running a voice of customer study to understand willingness to pay
  • Connected the team with experts in hospital procurement who could help vet a planned distribution model


Equalize Health developed a regulatory strategy for their nCPAP project with more accurate timelines and budgets. Their device will soon be saving lives across South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Why GLG?

GLG served as a vital research partner for medical tech nonprofit Equalize Health as they navigated regulations and procurement processes to roll out their life-saving neonatal CPAP device.

In-Depth Partnership:

GLG worked closely with Equalize Health to understand their needs and connect them with the best possible experts.

Recurring Relationships:

After finding a niche expert in medical equipment regulations, GLG facilitated multiple follow-up conversations between them and the Equalize Health team to address new questions as the project developed.

Global Expertise:

GLG’s global reach helped establish a connection between Equalize Health and potential customers across Southeast Asia.

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As the world’s insight network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.


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