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A Scary Time for Retail

Today’s customers can travel across as many as eight digital devices and platforms in the process of buying a single product, and they want payments to be frictionless, trustworthy, and fast. How can major retailers add value to this journey and be in the right place, with the right data, when it’s time to check out? Casey Carl, former Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Target, argues that retailers need to adapt to a world where customers expect big brands to meet them on their own terms.

About Casey Carl

Casey Carl is the former Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Target, where he held numerous roles during his 20-year career at the company, overseeing teams including Enterprise Strategy, Corporate Development, Innovation and Data, and Engineering. Prior to that, Carl served as President of Omnichannel, Target.com. He is currently a board member at MATTER and Inspectorio.

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