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How Companies Are Rethinking Data

One of the most profound revolutions in the history of information technology has been the advent of cloud-based, globally-scalable computing—according to Pat Wilkison, former head of Western Digital’s cloud computing business. Search-enabled behemoths like Google and Facebook are changing the way companies think about gathering massive repositories of users’ personal data to improve their product. Pat Wilkison sits down with GLG to discuss cloud storage, the value of data, and more.

Pat Wilkison is a general partner at the Newport Beach-based Exponential Partners, where he focuses on early-stage investments. He also serves as a board member and Chief Strategy Officer at Enmotus, a company that develops storage virtualization technology for servers, and Athletigen, which specializes in sports genetics. Previously, Wilkison spent six years at Western Digital, where he served as VP of Product Marketing and led the company’s cloud computing business. Prior to Western Digital, Wilkison headed the Product Team at STEC, a leading solid state storage company. Previously, he was an M&A and IPO investment banker on Lehman Brother’s Menlo Park Team, working on major capital market transactions for technology companies at every stage of life cycle. Wilkison graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and spent over seven years as an Aviation Planning Officer and Helicopter Pilot with the United States Army. He received his MBA in Finance and Technology from the University of Southern California.

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