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Making Social Services Accessible to Those in Need

“You’re not always ready when life throws you a curveball,” says Erine Gray, Founder and CEO of Aunt Bertha. To provide assistance to those facing unexpected hardship, Gray created a search and referral platform that matches people in need with available government and social services programs. For his work, Gray was selected as a 2015 GLG Social Impact Fellow. Beyond its core function, Aunt Bertha also uses the data from its searches to better understand populations in the most need and services in the highest demand. Erine Gray sits down with GLG to discuss the social services platform, big data analytics, and how working with GLG enables Aunt Bertha to scale in new ways.

Erine Gray is Founder and CEO of Aunt Bertha, a software company that makes human services information more accessible to people in need and the organizations that serve them. Prior to founding Aunt Bertha, Gray led a team of more than 60 employees responsible for administering the application process for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. In this role, Gray delivered more than 40 software and operational improvement projects that saved more than $5 million dollars annually in operating expenses. Gray studied public policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas and received his B.A. in Economics from Indiana University. Gray is a 2014 TED Fellow.

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