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Sustainable Home Improvement

Back in 2011, the home improvement industry was due for a remodel—so thought Southeast Texas-born Jason Ballard. That year, he co-founded TreeHouse, a home design and performance company focused on sustainability, quality, and responsibility to our most pressing environmental and human health challenges. What distinguishes TreeHouse from the likes of big box home improvement chains is the company’s dedication to its core principles, which, Ballard hopes, will encourage more homeowners to embrace sustainable solutions. For his work, Ballard was selected as a 2015 GLG Social Impact Fellow. Ballard sits down with GLG to discuss sustainable home improvement, aspirational brands, and store design.

Jason Ballard is the CEO, President, and Co-Founder of TreeHouse, a home improvement company that offers a highly curated collection of home building and home improvement products, materials, technologies, and services. A native of Southeast Texas, Ballard studied biology and ecology at Texas A&M University before working as a green carpenter at the Colorado Shelter for the Homeless in Boulder. Ballard also worked as both a forester and environmental consultant and as a lay minister in the Episcopal Church.

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