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The Music Industry vs The Mobile Games Market: How to Monetize Digital Content

In 2013, Candy Crush Saga made over $1.5B while no single music album came anywhere close to that number. Tim Quirk dives into how the struggling music industry can replicate the mobile games market’s success in going freemium.

Tim Quirk is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Freeform Development, Inc., an application development platform that lets musicians and other digital media creators generate additional revenues by distributing their work much like free-to-play mobile games. Previously, Quirk was Head of Global Content Programming, Android at Google, where he was part of the team that built Google Play, added new digital content verticals, ran merchandising for all digital content- including Apps and Games, and managed the team selecting daily featured content. Previously, Quirk served as Vice President of Programming and Creative for Rhapsody America, LLC. He spent more than 10 years as the singer and lyricist for the punk-pop band Too Much Joy and is currently one half of an electro-pop outfit called Wonderlick. His critical essays have been published in anthologies by the Oxford University Press and the academic journal Popular Music. Quirk is a GLG Network Member.

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