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Training West African Youth to Fight Unemployment

40 million young people in West Africa…do not have post-secondary education, and are therefore blocked out of the formal economy,” Misan Rewane, CEO and Co-founder of West African Vocational Education (WAVE) tells us. WAVE is tackling youth unemployment, training motivated African youth and providing them with the skills and credentials necessary to enter the workforce. The nonprofit has trained more than 1,700 young people so far, 30-40% of which received formal job offers from internships organized through the WAVE network. For her work, Rewane was selected as a 2016 GLG Social Impact Fellow. She sits down with GLG to discuss youth unemployment in Africa, fostering self-discovery among WAVE students, and her definition of success.

Misan Rewane is co-founder and CEO of WAVE. Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, Misan resolved to help transform Nigeria’s education system when her parents sent her to the U.S. for college. After graduating from Stanford University, she worked with The Monitor Group, TechnoServe, and the Center for Public Policy Alternatives. As an MBA student at Harvard Business School, Misan partnered with fellow West Africans who were passionate about tackling youth unemployment and launched WAVE in 2013.

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