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United States-China Trade Relationship

Former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China, Jeff Moon, discusses the importance of the United States’ trade relationship with China- the third-largest importer of American goods. With millions of jobs at stake for the American people, the controversial discontinuation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership could have huge implications for the U.S. economy. Moon explains that the future of U.S.-China trade policy will depend largely on President Trump and Congress.

Jeff Moon served in the White House from 2016 to January 2017 as Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for China Affairs. He was responsible for developing and implementing U.S. trade policy toward China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mongolia. Moon was Vice President of Cisco Systems and, subsequently, Dolby Laboratories, completing assignments based in Beijing, Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley. Moon was also a U.S. State Department diplomat for 21 years.

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